Focus On Yourself, Find Your Inner Magic, Maximize Your Potential 🧚‍♂️

August 18-24, 2024


If you know anything about astrology, this week’s Full Moon in Aquarius and Sun ingress into Virgo spells it out very plain to see. We are working on our own personal refinement and development while trying to detach from the distractions and temptations all around us. Mercury is influencing us to reconsider so much about what we deem important to our image and ego, and that can be tough if we are attached to things that are very hard to let go of. Regardless, the refinery is necessary, as is the need to envision a more solid foundation upon which to rebuild a healthier and happier future for ourselves.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, August 18, 2024 👇


Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Mercury conjunct Sun in Leo (cazimi)

Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini


Today can start out a little gritty and unstable, bringing us into questioning our motives for why we act and carelessly do some of the things we do. There can be jolts of somewhat alarming frustrations that can aggravate us and remind us how much we need to temper our egos and our reactions to unexpected situations. We have been working with the subtle, yet volatile, disruptions to our self-sufficiency and financial circumstances for quite some time now, and with today’s transits we can notice how much our fun can turn into trouble. This then becomes an opportunity to better understand the relationship between our need to be seen and heard and our need to be conservative and more mindful of our actions and reactions.


Later in the day, however, we slide into a nice harmonious mental space that can uplift us and bring some much needed relief to the weight of all that is challenging us lately. It would be a nice night to socialize for the sake of learning new things, study something we are excited about, and try our best to make as much sense as possible of the heavy lessons and trials we are going through. Harmonious mental space can really bring clarity and renewed hope and inspiration, so without neglecting the hard work the morning and afternoon alerts us to, hopefully we can find some peace and healthy mental stimulation tonight.


Monday, August 19, 2024 👇


Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini

Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Aquarius opposite Mercury in Leo

Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

*Full Moon at 27° Aquarius at 2:26pm EDT*

Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces


Today’s transits, including the Full Moon, will test our mental and emotional resources, our wherewithal, and our commitment to managing our life, our health, and our relationships better. We are likely going to be inclined to put up a stink, or have to deal with someone else’s stink, about why things are not better than they should be. Relationships can be challenging and triggering, perhaps blowing up into dilemmas we really don’t want to face but need to. We can feel like our partner or other people are only out to get us, which can inevitably lead to misunderstandings, crossed boundaries, delusional presumptions, and even a loss of faith in certain relationships or people. 


This is all coupled with an additional likely scenario where we feel better than others or someone exhibits a sense of superiority over us. We have a tendency today to detach from the shadows that lurk beneath the surface of our lives, thus believing that there is nothing we need to improve or work on in our lives, at least the way we present ourselves to others. The best course of action is to remain calm and open to criticism, because we are all in need of criticism somewhere in our lives. The elitist and holier-than-thou mentality is very strong today, so we have to understand that hard truths can come knocking and even crashing our door down to be noticed. More than anything else, we must remain peaceful and allow love and compassion to get us through days like this.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini


The truths we need to see can show up today. The battles that often need to ensue to teach us these truths are going on all around us and maybe even within us. We can also be quite confused about how to go about doing the right thing. What exactly is the structure we need to improve upon in our lives? Do we know how to build a stronger foundation for our journey of achievement and success? Listening closely to the conversations, omens, and other messages infiltrating our experiences today will very likely hold some answers and clarity about how best to work through our struggles and foibles. Lasting peace is hard won, and it is never without failure after failure, so forgiving ourselves and others on their path is sure to help remind us how valuable that virtue can be.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024 👇


Moon in Pisces opposite Venus in Virgo

Moon in Pisces square Mars in Gemini

Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius


Whatever we tend to neglect and procrastinate is sure to show up with some consequences today. How well do our relationships function? What are we neglecting to pay attention to, work on, and heal? Harsh words can be thrown around like a frisbee, especially with this transiting tendency to not think before we speak; to haphazardly and unconsciously say or do things we end up regretting. Taking a step back to consider the undeniable need for more focus and commitment to refining and improving our lifestyle is going to help everyone’s experience today. 


The confusion and overwhelm can get the better of us as the day lingers on. What we know we need to do compared to what we end up doing is always worth pondering and meditating about. Once we understand how sacred sacrifices can be, we can then begin to work on all the facets of our lives that need tidied up, polished, and paid more attention to. Working on all of these troubles and turbulence is often a struggle, but the end result promises so much more serenity and tranquility in our lives, in addition to healthier and more stable and sustaining relationships. We should begin to get excited about our next chapter, because that sense of new beginnings is upon us this evening.


Thursday, August 22, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct its North Node in Aries

*Sun ingresses Virgo at 10:56am EDT*

Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini


This is Virgo season. We are preparing to take inventory of what is and what is not playing a valuable role in our life. The ongoing journey needs refined and cleaned up, and our health should become a much more important part of it. We should recognize our health as a current asset we have, not just something that will only matter in the long run. Is this something that is in desperate need of attention? What are we attached to that has gone on much too long as a conditioned habit? Have we thoroughly wrapped our stubborn little brains around the benefits of making these kinds of changes? We should.


For all of these things to take place, we need to have a solid commitment and desire to do so, and part of this challenge involves seeing clearly into a future with more choices, opportunities, and inspiration. What goals and progress would we like to work on? If we are attuned to the magnetic core of our being, we should be able to notice what we are drawn to, what excites us, and what we feel good about. These will help point us in the direction of our passions. Even if they’re not passions, they are morsels of inspiration and hope.


Tonight there is a building tension that cannot be escaped or overlooked. There is something very important we are being tested on and that we need to come to terms with. Are we communicating in a transparent and healthy way with a loved one? Can we discuss the areas of refinement we both hope to achieve without getting angry at each other and taking everything so personally? This could pose some challenges after the Sun goes down. Maybe a movie, a book, or some solitary work or play is best.


Friday, August 16, 2024 👇


Mercury in Leo trine Moon and Chiron in Aries


So much of what we want out of life must involve some level of sacrifice, because in order for us to get what we want, some things need to be let go of and released. We cannot make a lot of money without working really hard and avoiding more pleasurable distractions. We cannot get drunk all the time and expect our work to get done. We cannot travel the world without earning enough money to do that. Our intuition is potent and on point today, but we have to know how to tune in to it. Once we do, we should pay very close attention to any messages that seem to reveal our joys. This is a very personal and dynamic transit that beckons us each to reflect upon our own desires, humility, happiness, and talents. Let’s go there!


Saturday, August 24, 2024  


Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries


Today’s aspects are a continuing story from yesterday. The charms and actionable choices are in front of us, we just have to notice them and decide what charms us most. We can better understand what it is we want and how to achieve that. However, we must make a solid plan about when to make such commitments. Perhaps after Mercury stations direct we will have another bout of these same feelings of excitement and resolve. For now, the work is in the planning, and we have ample power afforded us today to figure these kinds of things out. If we are making new shifts with someone else, it would be a very good day to talk about those shifts with them. Let’s hold on to what is dear to us and let go of what should not be dear to us.



We have our work cut out for ourselves, but if we cultivate an uplifting attitude about it we will not suffer nearly as much. We are revisiting our personal power and whether or not it has been diminished lately. If so, we must contend with the factors that led to that depletion. Continuing to work on ourselves is one of the cold, hard facts of life. We cannot enjoy life to its maximum potential unless we are willing and privy to changing things up a bit when the celestial winds blow their magic our way.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

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