"Don't watch the clock; do what it does..."
- LaLa

250 Employees

Family Business

Artisanal Production

Recycled Materials
Hustle & Bustle: Story of Three Brothers
India is a country full of hustle and bustle, brimming with all forms of sensory stimulation, steeped in culture, simmered in exotic flavors and chalk full of a colorful cast of characters. Lala and his brothers Mahendra & Surendra are the perfect cross section of all of the wonder that incredible India has to offer when you seek it out. They are handsome, happy, and hardworking family men with a wonderful senses of humor and a infectious smiles.

Lala, Pete, Mahendra, Kim, Surendra, & Carly
From the Farm to the City
The three brothers grew up on a small farm in Rampura in rural India. Lala made his way to Pushkar in pursuit of education, and there he found opportunities that have paved the way to becoming the entrepreneur that he is today. He finished up school and started selling silver for his uncle, he was introduced to his first sewing machine, he purchased three of them, and the rest is history. In fact, LaLa still has his first three antique showing machines on display outside of his new factory to remind himself of his humble beginnings.

LaLa's three original sewing machines
A True Family Business
Lala, Mahendra, and Sujendra started their manufacturing enterprise together, and their kindness, charismatic personalities and attention to detail help them excel in their respective roles. The three brothers share a home and raise their children together as one big family. Not only did they recently build a new warehouse, they also purchased their parents a house in the village where they grew up. Their proud parents still live in Rampura and are the owners of the first functioning western toilet in the town.

Lala, Chauncey & Pete at their new factory

Lala showing off some new recycled sari silk designs
Empowering Local Communities
Lala approaches business as he does family, with care, respect and support. Since we met him five years ago he has employed countless community members, and has extended his family significantly. Lala and his brothers are very involved in their local community, sponsoring events, establishing fundraisers, offering educational scholarships, and engaging in other social work. They offer many of these opportunites to their employees and encourage them to become involved in the community. The result is a happy and healthy workforce that are treated fairly, paid well, and in turn invest themselves in the community.

Love What You Do
We like to work with people who love what they do. Lala loves what he does and it shows in everything from his employees to his craftsmanship. It's been wonderful sharing stories and smiles and future plans with Lala. He aspires to backpack across the United States within the next decade, and we are excited to welcome him to Maine when he makes his dream come true. The result of our friendship and business relationship is an ever expanding line of beautiful products that he and his team of talented Indian artisans continue to create for Mexicali Blues. We are excited to share with you his amazing offering of clothing and accessories which will continue to grow and evolve as our friendship continues to do the same!