Our Favorite Indoor Plants to Reduce Stress

Our Favorite Indoor Plants to Reduce Stress

Apr 9, 2020

House plants continue to trend as the seasons continue to cycle through. There’s comfort knowing that the seasons are staying on course. But through those transitions how do we keep the springtime energy in the home once Summer’s end comes- and it’ll come sooner than you think! Let’s look further into why we love our botanical counterparts so much and learn their added benefits apart from their ability to make any Instagram page look more welcoming. 

There are so many perks to having plants in your home. Our favorite aspect of having them around is their potential to reduce stress and keep you feeling grounded. The act of putting time in to care for living energy that can then give energy back is the poetic cycle we love to encourage and nourish. 


Illustration by Emma Lucille Art

We’d like to start with Aloe Vera. 

 People from all over the world have been using aloe in their home-made hand sanitizers, but did you know it can do more than soothe the skin! While the sun shines, aloe conserves it’s precious energy and releases bursts of oxygen in the dark hours giving us one of the key elements of life.  The history of aloe vera is rich. In India, we see it near almost every entrance to homes. It is thought to bring good luck to those who live there and is a sign of welcoming. 

Aloe vera is a succulent and prefers indirect light. Do not water if the soil is even slightly moist.


Illustration by Emma Lucille Art

Next up is the Fiddle Leaf Fig!

Chances are, you've seen this plant around a lot lately and some are referring to it as the new Monstera. (Though we’re still dearly attached to the monster goddess of tropical leaves, stay tuned to find out why!) Popularity in the hardy fig tree has had gardening enthusiasts everywhere scouring local greenhouses and we’re not surprised. It has lush foliage and those giant leaves are the main benefit to producing clean oxygen in the home. 

It can survive in a bright window nooks away from cold drafts. Water when the soil is just a little dry.


Illustration by Emma Lucille Art

Golden Pothos (aka Devil’s Ivy or Money Plant)

 It is the easiest plant to care for and thus leaves any herbologist with zero stress about caring for it. Let’s not pretend that some people just can’t keep plants alive. We overwater them, we forget to water them, we move them and then they die in protest. It’s not always easy. We’ve had countless plant babies kick the bucket but the money plant keeps our spirits high with its ability to thrive in any environment. We should all be more like the money plant.


Illustration by Emma Lucille Art


We are fortunate to have spent quite a bit of time in India over the past 32 years of business so naturally, Jasmine is a plant we love. It brings a soothing comfort to us that has a powerful hold on us. Jasmine has the sweet, delicate aroma and in India, these sweet flowers are sewn into garlands, a remarkable and complicated process that can have many beautiful and intricate designs. These garlands adorn the braids of women and schoolgirls, they are used to decorate the statues of deities in Hindu practices and Jasmine is always present in wedding celebrations. It is clear that Jasmine has a stronghold in Indian culture and it is beginning to become more popular in the western world too.

It prefers southern light and will be happy with just four hours of light a day. 

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🌕 Artwork by Emma Lucille McCabe! Follow her on Facebook and Instagram @emmalucilleart or find her work at emmalucilleart.com.


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