Turning Seasonal Shifts Into Personal Breakthroughs

March 16-22, 2025

Our emotional experiences go deep into challenging waters early in the week, yet eventually decompress to reveal some much needed harmony, relief, and hopefully magical inspiration by Thursday’s Equinox. The world keeps turning, and with it the seasons. As spring unfolds in the northern hemisphere, so too does hope, yet we may be struggling to experience the typical feelings of renewal and rebirth we are used to at this time of year. We should take heart that we are not alone in this—what now seems more a feat than a natural rhythm—and anything we can do to bond more with friends and loved ones is paramount to keeping depression and anxiety at bay. May this raucous week of pressure and release unveil visions of alluring, yet viable, hopes and dreams for all of us!

Daily Forecast

Click the arrow to reveal each day’s forecast

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Moon in Libra square Mars in Cancer

Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

Though the Libra Moon helps encourage positive negotiations and strives for peace, those intentions may be thwarted today with some emotional frustrations and traumatic triggers. If something has been eating away at us that needs to be addressed but we feel uncomfortable sharing for fear of certain repercussions, getting it out in the open can at least relieve us of the burden we have been carrying. Mustering up the courage to lay something on the line can be more welcomed under the influence of the diplomatic Libra Moon. If we are somehow reminded of certain traumas or abuses we endured earlier in our life, this can be an apropos time to bring those memories up for discussion. It’s amazing how good it can feel to be heard and met with care and affection.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius

Sun conjunct Moon’s North Node in Pisces

If we did not get fully down into the roots of past emotional or mental traumas yesterday, rest assured we have the opportunity to open up those dusty trunks of secrets today. While this can refer to very painful experiences we have a very hard time talking about, there is a good chance something very unique, liberating, and identifying can come out of doing so. Finding pain in our past is no one’s favorite pastime, but being able to joyfully pursue exciting new pastimes might require us to take the plunge into those cold deep waters to find the bottom of our proverbial hidden icebergs. We would do well to deeply consider the transformative themes running through our life at this time, too. Where we are going may seem elusive, but viewing our life’s themes from an eagle’s perspective might offer some direction if we focus quietly on that vision.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer

Those challenging discussions that may have cropped up on Sunday are once again showing up today. And if we did not muster the courage to address them then, we may feel especially inclined to do so now. This trine represents a release of Sunday’s tensions, so we might even get a little more than we asked for. This can be a very emotionally exhausting day, so we might try our best to not be overly sensitive and reactionary in conversations. Perhaps a healthy means of channeling this gushy trine is to commiserate with friends and loved ones about more mundane topics and concerns. Many of us are experiencing quite palpable emotional disturbances in the force, but we have like-minded compassionate companions who can remind us that we are not alone in this labyrinth of chaos.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio trine Sun and Neptune in Pisces

*Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces*

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius

As the chaotic waters of life begin to boil over onto the landscape all around us, we need to try our best to put out those fires erupting from deep within. Celestial geometries are activating potent relationships between a multitude of components in our life today. The deeply prying and sleuthing Scorpio Moon is concerned with trying to rationalize these components and understand how and why they’re so unhinged and out of our control lately. But such rationales are likely nought to be found, for we are in the very midst of a need to surrender to the whims and woes of the Fates and trust in what emerges from these nebulous influences. Time is teaching us valuable lessons about trust and the sanctity of our faith in Spirit. Glimmers of hope just might appear as the day comes to a close.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Moon in Sagittarius trine Venus in Aries

*March Equinox (Sun ingresses Aries) at 5:02am EDT*

Moon in Sagittarius trine Mercury in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini

As is the nature of the natural world, great intensity is always eventually followed by decompression, and this is the overall resounding influence of today’s transits. The Sagittarius Moon is seeking higher ground, higher callings, and higher hopes for the future, and the balancing harmonic alchemy of the equinox, marking Sun’s ingress into forward-forging Aries, combine to enrich our souls with encouragement to seek the inspiring magic that teems through the life force that is our Spirit. It has been said that it is darkest before the dawn, so let’s hope yesterday’s darkness ushers in a beautiful new dawn for us all to bathe our beautiful souls in today. And if we can arrange for some elevated conversation this evening, we might just encounter some insights that shift our perspectives in unforeseen uplifting ways.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Riding the roller coaster through life promises ups and downs, which means it is wise to anticipate such fluctuations in experiences and be at least mentally prepared for these shifts. As such, whatever uplifting revelations may have surfaced yesterday are bound to attract some scrutiny and dissection today. Certain pragmatic realities must be considered when contemplating any new ideas or changes to our life, so we will need to land those inspirations safely on the ground for proper maintenance and recalibration. If we discover that our dreams and aspirations are feasible and attainable, we will be ripe for initiating practical action and progress tomorrow when Moon lands in calculated and ambitious Capricorn. Taking care of our relationships in ways that address new insights, transformations, and hair-brained ideas should be carried out calmly and reflectively. We are all mere humans replete with folly, so let’s be gentle with one another.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Moon in Capricorn square Venus in Aries

Moon in Capricorn square Mercury in Aries

*Sun conjunct Venus in Aries*

Those icy cold plunges back into reality are never very welcoming, but they sure do have their benefits in the long game. In this way, we need to be paying close attention to all our relations today, investigating our own patterns of conscious and unconscious behaviors, including manipulations and coalescence. This is an extremely potent window of reflection we need to be partaking in right now. Venus reunites with the Sun as she swiftly passes through the underworld to discover and expose vital truths we must recognize and come to terms with. This is a day to get squared away and make hay while the Sun is shining, despite any perturbances or distractions from the fray. Venus is on the far side of the Sun, preparing for her graceful return to our morning skies at the end of March and into April.

Once we make it through the gauntlet of Sun’s final days in Pisces, we can rejoice at the renewal of its arrival in Aries, marking the harmonic influence of the Equinox. This could be a rather excruciating early part of the week as Sun transits the chaos of Neptune at the final degree of the zodiac before bursting forth and seeding new beginnings as it slips into Tropical Aries on Thursday. Surrendering to the flow and trusting its current to take us where we need to be must be exercised as much as possible until then. Commiserating and consoling those we love through conversation, kindness, and compassion will help take the wind out of those sails of sorrow and desolation. As Sun is reborn into Aries and reconvenes with gorgeous Venus, may we all feel an incredible sense of hope and renewal for what lies ahead.

If you would like more profound insight into how these transits might be personally influencing you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at geoffgronlund.com

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