Sweet Nectar, Celestial Activations, Sacred Cycles

Sweet Nectar, Celestial Activations, Sacred Cycles

Jun 15, 2023

June 18-24, 2023

 Sometimes life has a way of holding us over an open fire not knowing when the ropes will be cut to free us from the heat and flames. This can be a fiery week that might make us feel this way, but there are always valuable lessons and healthy resolutions if we have the patience and courage to find them. The solstice on Wednesday is especially ripe for ceremonious gratitude and respect for the bounty Sun provides all sentient beings here on this beautiful bright blue ball. May we all make time to usher in this solstice with prayers for unification, redemption, and humanitarian healing. Blessings abound!


Sunday, June 18, 2023

New Moon in Gemini at 26° (12:26am)
Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces


After Saturday’s Gemini and Leo luminary and inner planet medley, we are hopefully breathing a sigh of relief from the emotional and psychological stresses imposed upon us over the past days, weeks, and months. The early morning (middle of the night) New Moon in Gemini is a blessing to sow seeds that can bear more light-hearted and cheerful fruit and flowers. The nectar within just might help sustain the new outlook and perspectives we should intentionally be striving for. Though it may require a good deal of effort to reframe our thoughts about any myriad of things, it is worth all we have to give.


We can expect our Sunday evening desires to settle into creature comforts and caring for those we love, creating important new foundations to build our inspirations upon. There is an emotional depth to the evening that might bring some synchronicities worth paying attention to. Coupled with Sun’s square to Neptune perfecting just after midnight, we should certainly expect some unforeseen truths to emerge that might help us gain further clarity about something.


Monday, June 19, 2023

Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces
Moon in Cancer square Chiron in Aries


The financial implications of the Jupiter-Saturn sextile involve the dilemma of conservatism and extravagance. This transit is slow and drawn out, spanning several weeks before and after it perfects today, so this theme has been and will be prevalent for us collectively. There may have been, or will be, unforeseen expenditures that need to be addressed, perhaps creating stress upon our feelings of security and sustainability. 


Jupiter’s journey through Taurus certainly can imbue our lives with financial expansion, but this can also mean expansive financial losses. So, to help curtail any potential losses, exercising as much conservatism as possible is called for during this transit. Saturn’s restrictive conservatism can help facilitate that, but its presence in the sign of Pisces can also threaten such restriction with escapism and loss of self-control. 


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn


Moon’s array of activations today imbues our sense of security with a need for faith in the unknown and unknowable. Mutability is always present in change, perhaps it is even the definition and epitome of change, so honoring the inevitability of this process would behoove us today. Allowing our sense of control to be replaced by the natural forces of the river’s essence can teach us deeply about the natural rhythms that permeate life. Letting go and seeing what happens usually does not end up as tumultuous as we fear it will.


While Pluto-Moon oppositions can challenge our identity and sense of security with challenges and losses, it also imparts an incredible potential for emergence from outmoded patterns and habits. This can empower us to make important changes that will bring more security and safety into our lives. If we have been feeling any need for change, the power of these transits today can provide the influences necessary to help facilitate them.


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Moon in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus
Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo
Sun ingresses Cancer (Summer Solstice)
Moon conjunct Venus in Leo
Mercury sextile Chiron in Aries


Today is a busy day of celestial activations that might influence some unnecessary spending for the sake of some fun in the Sun, so if we choose carefully what we want to invest in, that fun can be plenty enough without such an expense. Overall, today is saturated with a desire to enjoy ourselves and ceremoniously honor the beginning of Sun’s journey south. 


It is possible we might get a little hung up on our egos, so keeping the fun playful and kind with ample humility along the way is worth remaining conscious of. It can seem like there is a bonfire blazing within us that seeks to shine its light on all who surround us, but that fire can be dangerous if anyone gets too close. This is why it is best to not stoke that fire any more than it needs to be stoked.


The sparks may be flying off the grindstone and blinding the clarity of our own personal suffering and trauma, not to mention those of others. Sometimes our emotions and reactions meet up for some extravagant displays of rage and anger, which is often rooted in personal traumas and pain that sleep deep within us. That pain can be easily triggered today, perhaps resulting in regretful words spoken to those we love. Therefore, it is so important that we exercise calm by breathing through any frustrations that arise from triggering experiences.


We would do well to take any time that is available to honor and thank the Sun that provides all life to manifest, helping to remind us of and align us to the sacred art of ceremony and ritual. This process can better establish our intentions, respect, and inner peace, thus allowing a more stabilized journey ahead to unfold. We need to remember the sacred cycles that encapsulate our experience as sentient beings.


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Moon conjunct Mars in Leo
Moon and Mars trine Chiron in Aries
Moon in Leo sextile Mercury in Gemini
Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus


Clearly, Moon makes numerous aspects to a variety of planets today, magnifying the egoic principle that is expressed in the sign of Leo. Though this sign represents self-expression, fun, flamboyancy, and joy, it holds within it pride, which we all know can come in all shapes and sizes. Due to Moon’s reflective influences, its transit through Leo across Venus and Mars while aspecting Chiron, Uranus, and Mercury begs us to deeply reflect upon the hold our pride might have on us. 


Pride can get in our way, blinding us to the painful realities and traumas that others suffer. It can also blind us to our own suffering and circumstances. However, pride is a necessary quality that our egos must nurture and balance with ample humility and intelligence, especially emotional intelligence. Witnessing and recognizing the ways in which our pride can balloon into stoic bravado and boastful displays of self-righteousness helps temper us into noticing our feelings of inferiority that underlie such behavior. 


Shining our light while empathizing with the struggles and suffering of ourselves and others is the lesson surrounding this day. May we all find our inner peace, balance, and healthy pride so that our loving roar can be heard across the wild plains of our playing fields.


Friday, June 23, 2023

Moon ingresses Virgo
Moon in Virgo sextile Sun in Cancer
Moon and Sun sextile/trine Moon’s Nodes
Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces


As the Lunar journey ventures into Virgo, we are faced with the task of refining our egos to be more productive, organized, and pragmatic. From the onslaught of yesterday’s potentially explosive displays of self-expression, we can dissect all the unnecessaries out of those experiences and only keep what is most important, thus bolstering our capacity to function and manage our lives more sensibly and productively.


Virgo is the final sign of personal refinement before making our way into the world of relating to others in Libra. How we choose to utilize the resources, information, emotions, and unabashed expressions to shape our capacity to manage a healthy and productive lifestyle are surfacing today. There can be incredible revelations and important recognitions that help point us in the direction our souls are seeking.


Saturday, June 24, 2023

Moon in Virgo inconjunct Chiron in Aries (150°)


After a few days of very active major aspects, today is geocentrically a quiet day in our solar system. With Moon still in Virgo and minorly aspecting Chiron, we may better understand how valuable it can be to do the work necessary to release the hold our trauma has had on us all these years. So easy to write in a sentence, so difficult to enact in real life, but so worthy a task that can at least begin to dismantle the disharmonious architecture of our minds. The sharp corners, dark recesses, light-blocking walls, and faulty foundations that have housed our weary souls for so long can begin to be reshaped into a welcoming temple of harmony that suits the peace and serenity we seek.


A busy week of emotional trials, potential stubborn egoism, and inevitably necessary refinement, we are climbing our way to the great depot in the sky to clear our paths, reshape our mental architecture, and proceed as more productive and emotionally intelligent beings. The struggle is real, but the reward awaits us at the completion of every new cycle we endure and conquer.

Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at geoffgronlund.com.

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