Seeds of Change, A New Moon, Slivers of Wisdom ⭐️

August 11-17, 2024


This can be a deeply challenging week that hinges on our capacity to stay calm and tap into our emotional and intellectual resources in order to quell any otherwise angst-filled moments. The depths are plumbed, the flames are growing, and the delusional mishaps that plague our perspectives and ideologies are rampant. Nestled somewhere inside all of these dilemmas lie lessons in humility, expectations, judgement, and compassion. Also nestled in there are seeds of change that will eventually show us how to build a new foundation built on greater understanding and deeper awareness of why we made certain decisions in the past and how we can reframe those mindsets into healthier and more hopeful approaches.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, August 11, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio sextile Venus in Virgo


Our precious selves may not care for the deep dark caverns we feel are calling to us today. This could be brought on by a partner or close friend, or we could bring it on to them. Regardless, we are in the process of trying to fix any relationships that are struggling, in hopes of making them function better. We are pulling out the weeds, picking the ripe fruit, fertilizing, pruning, and simply beautifying what we love. But something is lurking beneath the surface that we need to contend with. It may be a secret, a tough decision, a difficult subject, or a hard truth that needs to be swallowed by us or someone else. Maybe we can find some time to sit and visit with whomever seems to show up for this experience and amicably share our feelings. It is sure to help improve how well that relationship functions in our lives.


Monday, August 12, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces

First Quarter Moon in Scorpio

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus


This can be a day of deep inner contemplation. We probably want to go there this time, as opposed to perhaps not wanting to have gone there yesterday. It could be that we are even inspired by what transpired yesterday, and we want to better understand who we are and why our etheric bonds sometimes seem so mysterious, overwhelming, or even terrifying. As we contemplate this strange infrastructure of our souls, seeking answers and guidance, it would be wise to consider any new intentions or new pursuits we began around the New Moon last Sunday, August 4th. Where do we stand with those? Whatever may have begun anew back then is probably showing up today as a kind of pop quiz to see how we are coming along.


Additionally, there is probably some financial or property issues that should be addressed today. Are we apprehensive about anything in this area of our life? Perhaps we should be considering a new or different occupation. Or maybe we just need to batten down the hatches on our savings in order to weather whatever storms may lie ahead. There is a marked level of consideration today regarding our own financial situation and how it meshes with someone else’s. Are we being asked of someone to spontaneously loan them money? Or are we in need of doing so? Any which way, we should at least take a few moments to review our circumstances and the sustainability of those circumstances.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Sagittarius square Mercury in Virgo


The tides are shifting in the dark, and we may not be privy to all that is going on to make those shifts happen, but we should pay close attention this morning to what our dreams may have had to say. There are forces subtle and silent that play out many facets of life, and sometimes we are gifted with some array of intelligence on them. These forces and shifting tides can create a rather confusing and haphazard morning, so staying light-hearted and congenial towards others will help any otherwise angst from the oddities. 


Weird, unusual, and/or deeply inspiring concepts can teach us a little more about the inner workings of our psyches today. We are drawn back into those recesses in hopes of further revelations and understanding, but we may get snagged by changes we are still resisting following through with, which can uninspired that pursuit for wisdom and clarity. What may be revealed is some level of perfectionism we ideally aspire to but struggle to actualize. If we pay close attention, however, we might find some of that clarity after all. Some solitude and quiet might help that process.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius square Venus in Virgo

*Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini*

Moon in Sagittarius opposite Mars and Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

*Mercury retrograde ingresses Leo*


The hot summer winds are blowing all around the inner reaches of our minds today, likely disrupting any hope of a calm and relaxing day. Our relationships can be challenged by extreme ideas that may be out of touch with those of another’s. Sometimes outlandish thinking needs to be addressed, and we may need to do that today, but we have to aware of the massive reeling sea monster at the end of that fishing line. Words can be blazing hot and sharp as razors today, so if we had any sort of meeting planned that could potentially get volatile, we should reschedule. 


While these transits warrant fair warning, they are not without positive potential. But before that potential can be addressed, we should be fully aware of how hard today can be otherwise. Reality checks are being passed out left and right. Whomever we despise or roll our eyes about are sure to reignite those coals in our cores. Boundaries, extremism, delusion, and egos egos egos! I do not often warn this bluntly or verbosely about such days like today, but I would be remiss if I did not. And if we have a great day, then I will be happily wrong.


The positive results of a day like today can be a very bold harnessing of our drive to manifest something genius. The cards show the potential for putting our ideas to the test and finding out whether or not they will withstand the test of time and the heat of what others think of it or have to say about it. With so much elemental tension and egoic energy swirling around Earth like a tempest today, something amazing is bound to manifest somewhere, we just might have to experience a lot of aggression and suffering in the process. Keep a very close watch on your feelings and the feelings of those you love today. These transits will pass and their influences will, too.


Thursday, August 15, 2024 👇


Sun-Moon-Chiron grand trine in Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries

Moon in Sagittarius trine Mercury in Leo

Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces


There are openings and opportunities to notice a lot more about ourselves today. The pain and struggles of yesterday might very well relate to these openings in a way that helps point us in the best direction. And that direction is through neighborhoods that can change our perception of our suffering and triggers into helpful tools to navigate out of them and into greater serenity and awareness. This is a powerful fire trine that influences us to face our personal dilemmas, but in a way that instigates action and commitment to resolve them. We are often gifted variations of celestial influences to instigate such action and commitment, but this relates to healing our trauma, and something regarding this is bound to become obvious to us today.


To help things along a little, we are probably feeling more open to talking about our emotional baggage today, which can also help us sort out the elusive threads that tie many of our traumas to our current behaviors. Those threads create a very complex web of synapses that fire upon each other like careless and ruthless soldiers in an equally complex battle within us. And while we can find some answers today, we may not feel as though they create any final conclusions. The evening can pose a sense of disarray, confusion, and possible overwhelm that may disrupt the progress we felt like we were making earlier in the day.


Friday, August 16, 2024 👇


Mars in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn trine Venus in Virgo

Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces


To compound the rather challenging few days we have had, today we might need to remind ourselves to watch what we say, how fast we go, and whether or not we are about to cross any boundaries or break any rules. The celestial authority is feeling disapproving of the careless rebel who refuses to slow down, watch their mouth, or resist temptation. In other words, let’s try not to get into any trouble today, because it is most definitely that kind of a day. 


If we do get into trouble, or narrowly skirt doing so, the repercussions are sure to unfold rather directly. But those can teach us what we need to learn. Despite the compulsive whims of Mars in Gemini butting heads with Saturn the enforcer, we are going to be able to recognize our reckless faults with some grace, and hopefully we can forgive any faults of others with equal grace. This helps us develop a healthier approach to resolving problems as a search for solutions instead of a game of pointing fingers and losing ourselves in the emotions of anger and unmet expectations. The lessons are presenting themselves today, and they’re very likely lessons in tough love and humility. 


Saturday, August 17, 2024  


Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius


The deeper and more unconscious facets of our psyche are met with chords of structure and pragmatism today. Those chords may at first sound discordant, but eventually some much needed harmony begins to resonate and elevate our clarity and mood. Tough decisions and daunting prospects aside, if we built a solid understanding this week of where we stand on our journey of enlightenment, including forgiving ourselves for not being further along, we can reclaim a healthy dose of hope from where it once flowed freely from the wellspring of our innocence.


How are we factoring in the barely noticeable subtleties that ultimately shape a large part of our every move? Do we see the actions of others as triggers? Or do we see the actions of others as lessons in patience, compassion, and forgiveness? How quick are we to blame others for their decisions without considering how many bad decisions we have made and still make? These are all the questions that should be overflowing our cups today. And as the day comes to a close, hopefully we reach a point where our transformation into a better person makes an emphatic leap forward into a healthier, happier, and more compassionate state of being.





Many things transpire this week, but the key takeaways should be our lessons learned by the time Saturday comes to a close. The New Moon is going to awaken in all of us a sort of excitement about what is going on personally, socially, and globally. Of course there are always tragedies, wars, famines, and corruption, but there is also growth, kindness, and compassion. This week is about defining and refining what we are proud of, developing a healthy sense of Self through quiet reflection AND positive and joyful social interactions, and not being afraid to dig into our shadowy recesses to hopefully find new slivers of wisdom to live by.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

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