Sacred Endings, Powerful Beginnings: Embracing the Solar Eclipse in Aries

March 23-29, 2025

As we wind down towards the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries at the end of this week, we are sliding through mesmerizing channels of incredible wonderment and sacred emergences. It is, quite simply, a deeply spiritual week to embrace all that is deeply important and valuable to us. But we first have to make it through a labyrinth of reckonings that help reveal to us not just what we are preparing to lay to rest, but why and how to respect and honor that which we are laying to rest. They brought us here and helped us learn so many invaluable lessons. We grew through it all and have arrived at the gates of sacred new beginnings. We just have to exercise immense patience to allow those beginnings to spring forth and mature in their own time. “All good things in all good time!”

Daily Forecast

Click the arrow to reveal each day’s forecast

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer

Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

It’s a spicy Sunday out there! Think reckonings, reprimanding, enforcing, and anything to do with the rights and wrongs of life. Ethics, morals, boundaries, and truths, or lack thereof, are all on the table. It is not easy to look forward to days like this, astrologically speaking, but we sometimes need to be reminded of our faults and our shortcomings to learn how to better align with our values, truths, and morals. This could influence us to come down hard on someone with too much force or anger, or it could be someone doing that to us. If we want to make the most of these transits, we need to step up to the plate in a big way and get our hard work done. We just have to be prepared for some backlash if it is not good enough for others, even if it is plenty good. We are building upon necessary hard work we have already accomplished, but we need to keep going.

Monday, March 24, 2025

Moon in Aquarius sextile Venus in Aries

*Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (cazimi)*

Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius sextile Mercury and Sun in Aries

The air is abuzz with crackling whispers of wisdom and guidance, as long as we are receptive enough to listen carefully. Deep resonating insights into our ideals and high hopes might be bouncing around in our heads and exciting us for what lies ahead. Sun’s reunion with

Mercury has a lot to contemplate and eventually communicate to us, so it is absolutely a day that warrants avid listening the best we can. And we may not only need to listen to others, but to ourselves. Our spirit has wisdom, and though we often hear this and know what choices are best for us, we too often disregard it out of habit or for the sake of risking our comfortability. But this is not a day to sit back and be lazy. There are feisty sparks being stoked and fanned that we must tend to, contain, and respect.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini

Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

“Inspiration move me brightly!” (Robert Hunter) This is an incredibly ideal slogan for today’s transits. Though we may wish to disregard any emotional drama, there is no shortage of mental stimulation to ignite in us desires to discover amazingly new and exciting things. From yesterday’s sparks come today’s inspiration, but we should be mindful not to take our dreams too far that they turn into ludicrous pipe dreams. Keeping a close watch on the pragmatic perspective will help us contain our zesty flames so they do not engulf our hopes in disappointment and despair. The more we can move through this day of wonder and optimism with a keen sense of the possible and impossible, the more we will reap from these very electrifying celestial influences.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries

We may feel like something or someone is holding us back today. Stubborn fixations, resistance to higher ideals, or financial circumstances may prevent us from sustaining the exciting high we experienced over the past couple of days. This is asking us to zero in on the root cause of these setbacks. We have all likely been feeling some stalling or misfiring in our inner engines. This is, however, a valuable passage toward our progress. How are we avoiding our bliss? What voices are we listening to or not listening to? This is a good day to reflect upon how our stagnation from certain behavioral patterns affects the unfoldment of our joy and tranquility; the fortification of our will to thrive. If we utilize today to reflect upon and reconsider the elevated values we have been wanting to sow, we can emerge with a more clear vision of not just how, but why to pursue and embrace them.

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Venus retrogrades into Pisces

Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

Something we should all consider at this time in our lives is our awareness of and connection to Spirit. As we emerge from our unconsciousness and become more conscious of what is stirring in our hearts, we begin to develop this sacred bond within ourselves. We are discovering how to deeply adore ourselves, forgive ourselves, and allow ourselves to unmask and merge with the divine lifeforce that flows through everything. The Great Spirit is guiding us at this time to remind us to awaken to this force of love whose vortex emanates from our hearts. However, there is potential for slipping too far into this field of wonder and ecstasy, and perhaps escaping our troubles in unhealthy ways, which eventually makes us feel like our identity is also slipping away. Holding on to what grounds us and provides focus and purpose can help allay any sense of overwhelm or loss of control.

Friday, March 28, 2025

Moon in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer

Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces and sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon conjunct its North Node, Venus, and Neptune in Pisces

Moon conjunct Mercury in Aries

Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

There is an immense ethereal blanket being wrapped around our planet today, primarily accentuated by Moon’s balsamic foray through the final degrees of Pisces and all the celestial influences occupying that space in the sky right now. There are so many endings trying to end and beginnings trying to begin, but we still need to embrace ourselves with this blanket a little longer before we are ready to see what is around the next corner. If there ever was a time to listen quietly to the gentle rhythm of our hearts so we might better understand what it wants and needs, this is a window of time to do so.

It might seem as though all attachments and lifelines are exhausted, but we need to trust deeply and have faith that something truly magnificent is beginning to emerge into our lives. We might even get a passing glimpse of this by the end of the day if we are patiently watchful for it. This entire process would ideally reveal our most valuable intentions to sow on the eve of tomorrow’s New Moon Solar Eclipse. May we all feel the sanctity of this mystical Piscean blessing being bestowed upon us.

Saturday, March 29, 2025

*New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9° Aries at 6:58am EDT*

Moon in Aries sextile Jupiter in Gemini

*Mercury retrogrades into Pisces conjunct Neptune*

Today’s Solar Eclipse is magnifying all we have processed since the Lunar Eclipse two weeks ago. While all eclipses have immense power due to the syzygy between Earth, Moon, and Sun, these eclipses are accentuating all that is sacred and how to integrate that sanctity with all we do moving forward. With the previous eclipse in Pisces and this eclipse in Aries, there is an especially influential beginning taking place in all our lives, personally and globally. We must learn to respect and honor the value of what we are leaving behind in order to fully embrace and coalesce with what is to come, because what we are leaving behind had an incredibly important role in bringing us to where we are today.

Though this New Moon Solar Eclipse is birthing timely new beginnings in our lives and laying to rest what is ready to dissolve, there will be a period of another month or two in which we need to continue to steep in this sacred soup of reflection. Much needs to be worked out in many areas of our lives, even if we are not fully aware yet of what or how. The lesson is to not push the river, but to allow our pace to patiently amalgamate with the unerring flow of the river. If we get overwhelmed, confused, or impatient anytime during this entire process, we just have to remember that fine wines are not ready to drink until they’re ready to drink. Something new is waiting to be born.

If this week’s forecasts seem to emphasize the spiritual more than usual, it is because there is such a conglomeration of planets and luminaries comingling in the latter degrees of Pisces and early degrees of Aries, which represent endings and beginnings, respectively. The Piscean influences indicate incredibly heightened reverence for the divine, but when the divine is neglected we can experience chaos and confusion. Among these planets is Neptune, emerging out of its own Piscean womb and birthing into Aries late Saturday night. Neptune has not been borne into Aries since the day before the Civil War began. May we all sincerely pray that our country is not destined for such a repetition, but instead for a deeply divine union to form between all who hold the peace of love in their hearts. We need this more than ever.

If you would like more profound insight into how these transits might be personally influencing you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

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