Putting Back Together the Pieces of the Eclipses ❤️‍🩹

November 5-11, 2023


Inspiration is upon us this week, even as we traverse the fires of reluctant growth and stubborn pride. Humility is waving its arms for us to notice from afar, hoping we follow the path of least resistance toward its domicile. We are blessed with a few days of interplanetary relief too, helping to decompress the pressures of these turbulent times. While these are indeed difficult days we are enduring, the more we afford ourselves the capacity to withstand them, the more fortified we are to conquer the weight of the strain it has put upon us. Go forth boldly and beautifully!


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, November 5, 2023 👇

Moon in Leo trine Chiron in Aries
Moon in Leo square Mars in Scorpio
Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Today’s excitable Leo Moon might flare up some conceited reactions that are rooted in personal past trauma. The release of pent up frustrations in relationships can get the better of us if we are not careful to temper our aggressive tendencies. Sometimes when we are deeply wounded, those confused feelings do not know how to work themselves out. Instead, they can pour out of us as projectiles toward others, including loved ones. It is a good day to follow our own course and do our own thing.

These flare ups can persist throughout the day if we are not present enough to catch them before they ignite. Our inner suspicions may be taut to the point of breaking under pressure, thus inflicting our own suffering or jealousy upon others. Making sure we have a solid handle on our thoughts and feelings helps to quell these potentials, but just to be sure, as mentioned above, it can be a much safer and more productive day if we stick to our own projects privately, remaining as positive and hopeful as possible.

Monday, November 6, 2023 👇

Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
Moon in Leo quincunx Pluto in Capricorn (150°)
Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces
Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

There can be more egotistic pride entrenched in the tension of today if our relationships are undergoing any stressful frustrations, which they likely are to some extent due to the recent eclipses. If we know how to rise above such tension and embrace the grounding healing of humility, we can actually make good progress toward understanding others and ourselves. We just need to be prepared for residual annoyances from yesterday and the previous few weeks of relational impacts from the eclipses.

Stark reminders of our shortcomings can come later in the day as Moon ingresses Virgo and opposes Saturn. These reminders can feel like karmic consequences hitting home, perhaps for the twentieth time. We may want to rip the band-aid off of any recent wounds that have not fully healed, possibly to passive-aggressively drive a point home to someone. This is not a helpful approach and should be avoided at all costs. Instead, we should aim to communicate our deep emotional pains with whomever we are frustrated with in a way that can foster healthy dialogue and sincere growth and redemption of the relationship.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 👇

Moon in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus

We are welcomed today with sweet relief from an otherwise tense and challenging couple of days. There is a grounding harmony pervading the fading mist that can help calm us down and bring more focus to the tasks at hand. Ideal focal points for today might involve working on a more orderly management of our time and projects. Getting grounded and more informed about our financial situation would be another ideal item to place on our agenda. Regardless of which grounding measures we pursue, hopefully we are all able to get on the refinement wagon as long as possible. Taking advantage of days that imbue noticeable, pragmatic progress should never be passed up!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 👇

*Venus ingresses Libra*
Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus
Venus in Libra quincunx Saturn in Pisces (150°)
Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Moon in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn

Though today is blessed with Venus ingressing its co-owned sign of Libra, which invariably assists in bringing some semblance of balance into our lives and relationships, it soon is challenged by misunderstandings surrounding the ongoing dissolution of boundaries in our lives. Where have we overstepped? How have we been violated? Are there feasible resolutions available that can help us through the residual effects of these mistreatments?

We might not feel like answers are readily available, however. There may be a lackluster perception of hope that creeps in unannounced. Though these influences can seem daunting, our courage to face them—as gracefully as possible—grows into a healthy determination to make things better later in the day. We are given ample opportunity to communicate our heart-felt truths in order to bring more clarity and understanding to whatever situation we find ourselves in. Those deep dark emotions must be shared sometimes (not always!) if we are to make progress in relationships and develop more sincere and honest intimacy and union.

Thursday, November 9, 2023 👇

Moon conjunct Venus in Libra

Another pressure relief day unfolds with this sole major aspect between Moon and Venus in harmonious, albeit sometimes acquiescing, Libra. While other less exact aspects are at play that can affect the full benevolence of this peaceful conjunction, we should make the most of the relief by engaging in joyful activity and loving reverence for each other as much as possible. When the challenges of pain and frustration play too much of a part in our lives, we miss the always-present beauty and harmony of the natural world around us. If romance is in your cards, be sure to play them in and enjoy an intimate day with someone you love.

Friday, November 10, 2023 👇

*Mercury ingresses Sagittarius*
Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces
Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

Today’s Mercury ingress into Sagittarius provides a renewed zest for learning and to expand our horizons through traveling or more deeply understanding other religions, philosophies, and bodies of sacred knowledge. This influence will remain with us through November, so it is wonderful time to seriously consider signing up for a course, workshop, or mentorship program that can enrich not just our minds, but our hearts and souls with inspiration and dedication to something that is sincerely exciting to us.

This ingress is quickly tasked with addressing the collapse of boundaries and reliable foundations that have seemingly been plaguing us over the past seven months. Ideally, our renewed inspiration to develop greater understanding about matters that pique our interests can help establish a sort of reinvention of foundations that will support us moving forward. Our passions gradually grow and dissolve throughout our lives, making way for new interests that we never knew would show up. This transit over the next three weeks can help solidify a bold new direction of passionate learning.

Perhaps our newly forming passions will be colored by the relational work we are enmeshed in and the deeply personal traumatic healing we are doing our best to work through. Never taking for granted to inevitable influence of simultaneous aspects, this can all be shaping up to be an inspirational renewal of not just interests and passions, but perspective and attitude toward a direction we may have been overly apprehensive about taking. Trusting the guides within our hearts is called for.

Saturday, November 11, 2023 👇

Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces
Mars in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

The weight of stress upon our nervous systems can often cripple our capacity to fully focus, engage, and manifest what we set out to do in life. But the lessons learned as we traverse that stress nevertheless can often help us recognize where and how to deescalate the stress. The hard part is knowing just how stressed we are in the moment or even when we don’t think we are.

Today we are first trying to trust that the emotional weight of our life’s experiences will lighten as we understand more about how and why they got so heavy in the first place. This can show up as revelations related to the uncovering of cumulative emotional inventory. Revelations that strike chords of transformative redemption. A sort of freeing of the pathways of our lifeforce, and we are free to trust in that lifeforce.

Agitation and tension can grow as the evening sets in, perhaps related to sexual or financial issues we are currently facing. It may be a good evening to watch an exciting movie or read an exciting book, as opposed to engaging with anyone who might set us off. The fuses are short, the volcanoes are volatile, and the lightning swarms like a tempest. Whatever we can do to resist engaging in aggravating conversation would be advised. Tomorrow’s New Moon in Scorpio begs we stay focused on our deeply personal transformations to come, not to waste energy on removing the wet blanket others may try to throw on us. Stay the course and trust in the winds and waters that are always flowing in and through us!


This is a week of bursts and pauses that allow growth and reflection, respectively. While so much can be accomplished in our personal unfolding, we must remember to adhere to self-care and the release of intensity when necessary. Though my forecasts may sometimes seem daunting or concerning, the notion of not conveying these potentials would weigh much heavier on me if I did not. Life is not always peaches and cream, and we must not treat it as such even when it feels that way. There are lessons to learn, wrongs to right, and relationships to nurture. May we all relish the benevolence, yet err on the side of caution.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at geoffgronlund.com.

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