October 3rd - October 9th: Uranus in Taurus, Lightning in a Bottle ⚡️

October 3rd - October 9th: Uranus in Taurus, Lightning in a Bottle ⚡️

Oct 2, 2021

Lightning in a bottle: that's one way to describe Uranus in Taurus. As the Moon in Virgo trines the planet of eccentricity on the third, electric insights from outer realms may suddenly flash up and you may experience a brilliant AHA! that can be put to good practical use.

Taurus rules possessions and that includes money. With Uranus retrograde at the midpoint of its eight year journey through the sign, there's an amplification of its potency. Sudden windfalls can occur. Watch new crypto currencies. 

The Virgo Moon is in its balsamic phase, shedding the last remnants of the past month. As it releases, it becomes unmoored and you can find yourself blurting things out impulsively and wondering what happened! Did that come out of my mouth?

But she enters the New Moon phase in Libra on the sixth so diplomacy returns and peace can reign again for this lunation cycle.

This New Moon not only conjoins the Sun but Mars is at the same degree of 15 Libra. It's a potent mash up in the air element. It's all about relationships, how you think, feel and act about partners in your life.

Considering how the other person experiences life is the key. Walking in their shoes for a moment enriches your own life!

Have a cup of tea with a friend. Listen to their heart.  All our hearts beat with the same sweet rhythm.❤️🌜💜


Our astrologer, Laura Kenworthy, has been studying the patterns of the cosmic matrix for more than forty years.. The language of astrology came naturally for her but she was also fortunate enough to have had several masterful mentors including Rick Tarnas, author of Cosmos and Psyche, Kelly Lee Phipps, Liz Greene, and most recently Adam Ellenbaas.  If you would like to have a personal reading, she can be reached at laurakenworthytucker@gmail.com. Learn to dance with the stars!

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