June 27-July 3rd: Your Ticket to the Cosmic Journey ✌️

June 27-July 3rd: Your Ticket to the Cosmic Journey ✌️

Jun 27, 2021

As we glide with the Sun through Cancerian streams, images of days gone by may arise in our inner eye as we become immersed in nostalgic feelings. But Mars has forged ahead into Leo, carving a path to the future. Can you expand your vision wide enough to sense new worlds ahead?

Feeling secure in the sign of Cancer, we can be at home with ourselves, knowing that each one of us arises from a long ancestral past. Our tap root runs deep, touching all the souls that came before. We carry them with us as the future opens out and we lean into it.

In 2021, all planetary gyrations are orchestrated under the effects of the overarching square between Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius.  What does that mean?

Saturn holds to tradition, structures of the past and constrains growth and change. Uranus in Taurus is shifting the electromagnetic fields of the Earth. Breakdowns and break-throughs are the new norm. Honor and cleanse your home space with Palo Santo smudge sticks to raise the frequency of your environment in order to resonate with Uranian surprises.

Saturn is exclusive: you're in or you're out, my way or the highway. Uranus is inclusive: everyone has a ticket for the cosmic journey. Saturn's perfectionism is not needed. It's a come as you are party! Light and comfy attire, like the Tie Dye Picnic Party Dress would be just right for any astrological affair!

Genetically unchanged for over 200 million years, the Ginkgo tree continues to bring it's unique beauty and healing properties. Zamak is a new mixed metal alloy from Turkey that is dipped in sterling silver, making it lightweight and hypoallergenic. Combining old and new beauty, the shimmering metal earrings  in the shape of the Gingko leaf is a great symbol of how Saturn and Uranus can combine their respective realms successfully. Come check out the variety of hand pounded Zamak jewelry at Mexicali Blues.

As new realities present themselves, take along only what's of deepest value to you. Keep it spare and simple as the shifts will keep coming all year. And beyond.


Our astrologer, Laura Kenworthy, has been studying the patterns of the cosmic matrix for more than forty years.. The language of astrology came naturally for her but she was also fortunate enough to have had several masterful mentors including Rick Tarnas, author of Cosmos and Psyche, Kelly Lee Phipps, Liz Greene, and most recently Adam Ellenbaas.  If you would like to have a personal reading, she can be reached at laurakenworthytucker@gmail.com. Learn to dance with the stars!

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