From Confusion to Clarity: Finding Your Flow in a Fast-Paced Week

March 2-8, 2025

This week starts off with perhaps a confusing, albeit anticipatory, bang. It might feel like we are in a starting gate for reasons we are not entirely sure of. But eventually the doors swing open and we are off and running after all we have been wanting to accomplish and discover. Remaining mindful of consequences and ramifications will help our ambitions manifest more triumphantly and sustainably. Listening carefully for important messages later in the week will help us learn more about ourselves, our goals, and could even change our perspectives if we allow them to. The weekend calms down into an emotional pool of sensitivities that is perfect for pondering along a lake, creek, or river. Let’s all hold on to as much optimism as possible!

Daily Forecast

Click the arrow to reveal each day’s forecast

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Sun in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries

Conjuring up some eleventh hour wisdom from the nebulous, spiritual spaces within us requires careful attention to what might otherwise seem meaningless or confusing. Our tendency to repeat patterns that sculpt our habits is being challenged right now. We must gaze intently into these tendencies to notice the incongruities that keep us from breaking free of them. Awareness of our divine nature needs to be acknowledged and respected if we are to progress into a more sanctified space of presence. Where are we facing internal struggles with how we function and navigate life? What valuable information are we neglecting? Working on these things will bring us closer to lasting healing.

Monday, March 3, 2025

*Mercury ingresses Aries*

Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius

The train is whistling and preparing to leave the ghostly depot of our confusion, stagnation, and overwhelm. And while we may be incredibly excited and inclined to charge ahead at full speed, we must prepare for our actions with thoughtful and diligent consideration. Acting upon our instincts and desires can come back to haunt us in the future if we are not mindful enough of the consequences and ramifications of our decisions. This is why it is imperative we embrace our sacred values before we charge forward into whatever exhilarating future awaits us. We may experience some hesitation and residual resistance to these drives due to a fear of the unknown, but if we prepare properly, we can make great strides over the next two weeks.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Moon in Taurus sextile Mars in Cancer

Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus

It is quite likely we have noticed how blurry our boundaries, limitations, and foundations have become over the past couple of years. While those distinctions will probably remain relatively blurred for a little while longer, we should try to put a little extra effort into defining all of these valuable facets of our lives. This will help prepare us for Saturn’s first ingress into Aries at the end of May. Reflecting upon how much we may lack boundaries, limitations, and a solid foundation will teach us how to build them and why. We have spent the past two years watching them dissipate and disintegrate, leaving us further adrift at sea without a paddle. Now we are learning why we need them and how important they are for a successful future of happiness and fulfillment. This further elevates our personal standards and ensures greater joy and satisfaction in life.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Gemini sextile Mercury in Aries

There are a lot of synapses firing from across our internal motherboard today. From value-driven ambitions, to elevating our understanding of any myriad things, to communicating our needs and desires to those who need to (or not) hear all about them. This is likely going to be a busy and chatty day for most of us. We might need to be careful about getting too wired from all the mental activity, but if there is ample space for progressive dialogue with others, we should not miss this opportunity to share our thoughts, ideas, and visions with them AND listen to all of their thoughts, ideas, and visions. Lots of pathways are being freed up for more traffic to flow smoothly, so let’s see how far we can go down those new and exciting trails before it gets too dark to see them.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

In case we did not get all our ya-ya’s out yesterday, there is plenty of space and time left to hone our communication skills today. This includes listening to others. You never know when we might learn something really fascinating that changes our perspective on something we may have spent years unwilling to see differently. Old wounds could also resurface in conversation, or maybe we will face some resistance from someone who knows more than we do, has more experience, or is in a position of authority in one form or another. These trials can frustrate us, especially after feeling the whimsical spirit of this Gemini Moon, but there are almost always reasons for limitations, roadblocks, and boundaries. We should try to be humble enough to pay attention to the lessons therein.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Cancer square Mercury in Aries

Sun in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer

Though the brakes are definitely being applied today, there remains a more ethereal essence to the global shroud of celestial influence. We might be fumbling with our words more, unsure of how to make sense of what seemed to make perfect sense the past few days. This confusion can also stifle the energy we’ve been putting into our new directions and ambitions, leaving us frustrated and impatient. But slowing down is always necessary after running at full-throttle for a few days, so we should embrace the new pace and allow ourselves to float down the river and recalibrate to universal time. It really would be wonderful if we could somehow spend time in a body of water, even if it is simply a bath. This can deeply help calm our potentially amplified nerves from recent days. We should also be extra mindful of emotional sensitivities today. Triggers might be easily pulled if we are not careful.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Moon in Cancer square Venus in Aries

Moon conjunct Mars in Cancer

We may find ourselves especially emotional today. Certain relationships might feel strained, we might miss someone more than usual, or we can find ourselves more sad and depressed about the state of the world. These days are important to remind us that we have deep feelings about all of these things and more. And every time they come up from seemingly out of the blue, we should do our best to quietly listen to what our inner child needs. It is this inner child that is speaking to us during these times, and usually there is something unresolved we should be working out the best we can. So, maybe this is a good day to try and take it easy, put down our screens, go for a Sunday drive on a Saturday, go for a walk along a creek or a river, or simply read by a fire and turn off the outside world. Exercising self-care is always a good antidote for days like this.

Finding our way through this week will require some extra mindfulness. From some residual overwhelm, to exciting new beginnings, to lots of chitter chatter, to a slower and more sensitive pace, this week might seem a bit like Space Mountain. There are new directions that are beginning to take shape, and how we orchestrate those endeavors will determine the quality of their outcome. Asking ourselves why we do certain things and why we don’t do other things can help us recalibrate our minds to suit our future hearts. May we all find peace in our community and amongst our friends and loved ones as much as possible.

If you would like more profound insight into how these transits might be personally influencing you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

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